What does this funding get me?

$10 million in funds appropriated to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) may be used in a variety of ways to strengthen the capabilities of Tribes and Alaska Native Villages, consortia, and organizations to support fish hatchery operations and maintenance. 

Examples include program-level planning, training, technical support, development of tools, monitoring, and response.

Am I eligible?

Federally-recognized Tribal Governments and Native American Organizations (including cooperatives, corporations, partnerships, associations) are eligible. 

How can I access the money?

Eligible parties should monitor funding opportunities on Grants.gov and the BIA Tribal Climate Resilience web page.

What is the timeline?

Awards are made on an annual basis and funds remain available until expended by the contractor/grantee. The timing of payments will be negotiated with the Tribe or other awardee. 

Contact the headquarters or regional location of the BIA, as appropriate, for application deadlines. Funding to remain available until September 30, 2031.

What other incentives could I use to help me accomplish my goals?

You can view funding announcements at the BIA Tribal Climate Resilience web page.

Check the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) for additional incentives that may be offered by your state, local government, or utility, as well as important federal, state, and local policies. For questions regarding DSIRE, contact Justin Lindemann (NC Clean Energy Technology Center) at jplindem@ncsu.edu.

Where can I get more information?

  • An overview of the funding opportunity can be found at SAM.gov.
  • Contact the headquarters or regional location of the BIA with questions.
  • More information can be found at the BIA website
  • In addition to the resources listed above, a variety of organizations offer technical assistance that may help you access these funds. They are listed on our Get Help page.
  • For specific questions about this program or for more assistance, contact Sally Robertson at info@energyfundsforall.org.