These organizations may be able to help you with questions about the funding described on this website. Additional technical assistance for specific funds is listed under “Where can I get more information?” on the pages for those funds. Email us if you learn of other sources of assistance. Following the list of organizations are some other useful resources.
- The Southern Economic Advancement Project (SEAP) can provide pro bono services that match Southern-based 501(c)(3)s and local governments with specialists who offer a wide range of technical assistance including grant writing, data and research, capacity building, and long-term strategic and organizational planning. Contact Liza Crichton or visit to get started.
- The Local Infrastructure Hub (LIH) of the Southeast Sustainability Directors Network has resources to support local governments and community-based organizations working on cross-cutting projects at the intersection of addressing climate impacts and promoting racial wealth equity. Learn more on the LIH website or through this one-pager. The simple application for LIH support is here. Reach out to Nick Deffley if you have questions about eligibility or need guidance.
- The Hometown Strong Rural Grants team provides the capacity, training, and finance planning support rural communities need to obtain federal funding. They provide direct, free-of-charge grant writing support to rural towns, counties, and regions to increase federal funding for projects within North Carolina, offering a comprehensive approach to long-term financial planning that leverages federal, state, and private funds. After learning about your project, they compile a full funding brief on both immediate grant opportunities as well as long-term funding strategies. Then they work with a designated member of your staff to develop a compelling grant narrative and help you assemble the information required for each grant application. If you decide not to pursue federal funding now, they will help you pull together a funding plan to help your project get funded in future cycles. They provide letters of support from state agencies as well as grant writing and grant administration training. Learn more here.
- The EPA’s Region 4 Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (EJ TCTAC), also called Resource for Assistance and Community Training in Region 4 on Environmental Justice (REACT4EJ), provides technical assistance to residents, community organizations, and Federally recognized tribal nations in Region 4 states including North and South Carolina. REACT4EJ can assist in developing capabilities and identifying resources for understanding or resolving EJ circumstances. Visit to learn more and connect with them. Check the REACT4EJ Events page for upcoming webinars and in-person workshops. (To find the TCTACs for other EPA regions, check the EPA’s TCTAC page.)
- Central Pines Regional Council supports county governments, local governments, and nonprofits across Moore, Lee, Chatham, Orange, Durham, Wake, and Johnston Counties in North Carolina. Contact Langston Alexander. If you are not in those counties, check to see if your local Council of Governments offers similar help (find it on the map here).
- The NC Clean Energy Technology Center provides technical assistance services related to clean transportation technologies. Click here for more information.
- Lawyers for Good Government (L4GG) provides a Clean Energy Tax Navigator to help tax-exempt entities access direct pay tax credits. L4GG also offers pro bono assistance to underresourced organizations that need more help after using the navigator.
- Renew America’s Nonprofits was a US Department of Energy grant program that awarded $50 million in 2023 for energy efficiency upgrades in buildings owned by nonprofits. Those grants have all been awarded, but the office remains open to offer resources and technical assistance to help nonprofits learn more about energy efficiency opportunities and find funding for projects.
- Companies Succeed, Communities Benefit is a user guide by the BlueGreen Alliance with suggestions for implementing a Community Benefit Agreement to ensure that communities benefit from workforce development funding and other Federal programs.
- Atlas Public Policy’s Project Finance Hub helps you find financing for clean energy projects.