What does this funding get me?

This program funds energy improvements at public schools:

  • Energy infrastructure improvements—like new HVAC and ventilation systems, building envelope and lighting projects, and renewable energy technologies
  • Alternative fueled vehicles and alternative fueled vehicle infrastructure

Am I eligible?

You are eligible if you are a: 

  • Partnership/Coalition: Consortia of one local education agency and one or more schools, nonprofits, for-profits, and community partners. 
  • Otherwise, you must be a state, local, or tribal government. 
  • Development and implementation of energy efficiency strategies using these funds can only be done by local and tribal governments. 

How can I access the money?

Information on this year’s application procedures is at DOE’s Renew America’s Schools website. This includes a Fact Sheet and slides from the March 2024 informational webinar. Prospective applicants will need to register on the HeroX platform to apply (click on “Solve this challenge”). All instructions and supporting information for applications is at this website.

What is the timeline?

Round 1 of the Renew America’s Schools grant awards, announced on June 29, 2023, resulted in $178 million in grants funding clean energy and energy-efficiency improvement projects at over 90 school facilities across 22 states. 

Submissions for the second round of grants totaling $180 million were due June 13, 2024. Announcement of grant recipients is expected later this year.

What other incentives could I use to help me accomplish my goals?

Clean School Bus Program

Check the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) for additional incentives that may be offered by your state, local government, or utility, as well as important federal, state, and local policies. For questions regarding DSIRE, contact Justin Lindemann (NC Clean Energy Technology Center) at jplindem@ncsu.edu.

Where can I get more information?