What does this funding get me?

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) funding of $2.6 billion to be spent on direct federal spending, contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, and technical assistance.

Eligible uses include: 

  • Conservation restoration, and protection of coastal and marine habitats and resources, including fisheries, to enable coastal communities to prepare for extreme storms and other changing climate conditions
  • Projects that support natural resources that sustain coastal and marine resource-dependent communities, and related administrative expenses.

NOAA’s Climate-Ready Coasts and Communities program includes:

Am I eligible?

Coastal states (as defined in the Coastal Zone Management Act), the District of Columbia, Tribal governments, nonprofit organizations, local governments, and institutions of higher education are eligible. 

How can I access the money?

Click the specific program links above to find application instructions. NOAA will work with state, local, and Tribal governments, Tribes, Tribal and Native organizations, nonprofits, and the private sector in coastal and Great Lakes communities to develop and support durable, local capacity to adapt to climate change impacts, while growing economies, protecting fisheries, addressing environmental justice, and developing a climate-ready workforce.

What is the timeline?

Funds will be available until September 30, 2026.

What other incentives could I use to help me accomplish my goals?

None at this time.

Where can I get more information?

Given the changing status of federal policies and programs, we recommend contacting us via email at info@energyfundsforall.org or phone at 919-839-0006 ext. 103 to confirm program availability. 

Learn more at our FAQs HERE  and contact your legislators HERE.