Tag: Decrease my pollution

Climate Pollution Reduction Grant

Grants for states and others to develop and implement plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful air pollution.

Renew America’s Nonprofits 

Grants for nonprofits pursuing energy efficiency measures.

Mini-Grant Program (South Carolina)

Small grants to fund demonstration projects in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation.

Solar for All 

Grants and low-interest loans to help low-income and disadvantaged households and communities go solar

Energy Efficiency Tax Deduction under IRS Code Section 179D 

Tax deduction for energy efficiency measures in new construction or building renovations.

Clean Electricity Investment Tax Credits for Businesses

If you install solar (or certain other technologies) on property belonging to your for-profit business, you can get 30-70% of the price back as a tax credit.

Clean Electricity Investment Tax Credits for Tax-Exempt Entities

If you install solar (or certain other technologies) on property belonging to your tax-exempt organization, you can get 30-70% of the price back.

Clean Electricity Investment Tax Credits for Your Home

If you install solar, wind, geothermal, or battery storage systems  at home, you can get 30% of the price back as a tax credit. 

Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit 

Tax credit for window, door, heating improvements

Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program (HEAR) 

Rebates on electrification projects in low- to moderate-income homes (formerly known as High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Act or HEEHRA)