Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Funding for: ,

What does this funding get me?

This is a one-time vendor payment to help eligible households pay their heating bills. This money does not go directly to individual folks but instead goes to their energy provider. 

Am I eligible?

Individual homeowners and renters are eligible. If you are a renter and your energy bill is included in your rent, you must have access to an itemized monthly bill. 

Households are expected to report on and meet eligibility requirements

  • ID
  • rental agreement
  • citizenship status
  • SSN
  • proof of income(s)
  • tax records
  • energy bills

External eligibility tool: https://liheapch.acf.hhs.gov/eligibility-tool

How can I access the money?

North Carolina: 

For North Carolina residents, households including a person aged 60 or older or an individual receiving disability benefits and services through the NC Division of Aging and Adult Services are eligible to sign up for assistance from Dec. 1 – 31. All other households may apply from Jan. 1 – March 31, or until funds are exhausted.

The application process is county-based through the Department of Social Services. To find your local office, input your state and county here: 

Contact Directory for NC Social Services Departments

Having trouble finding the application? Please email us at info@energyfundsforall.org with the subject line “LIHEAP – (Your County)” and we can help! 

If you are in Wake County, please note that LIHEAP and CIP funding has been exhausted until further notice. Wake County has a separate Utility Bill Assistance Program (help for heating, cooling and water) that you can learn more about here. Please contact Meech at info@energyfundsforall.org for more assistance.

South Carolina:

LIHEAP in SC is administered by the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity in coordination with the community action agencies. For general information, contact the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity at 803-734-0662.

See map here to find Community Action Agencies for all counties within South Carolina. 

What is the timeline?

You can apply from December 1 to March 31 each year. You can access this money one time per program year.

What other incentives could I use to help me accomplish my goals?

Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program (HEAR) – opens early 2025

Home Energy Rebates (HER) – opens early 2025

If you are a Duke Energy customer in NC, the Tariffed On-Bill program can help homeowners and renters install energy efficiency improvements, pay over time on their electric bill, and save money immediately. 

If you are experiencing a heating or cooling crisis in North Carolina, the Crisis Intervention Program may be able to help. Applications are taken each year beginning July 1st – June 30th of the following year or until the CIP allocation is exhausted, whichever comes first. For more information and application criteria, please visit the State’s website here: Crisis Intervention Program.

If you are approved for LIHEAP or the Crisis Intervention Program, you automatically qualify for Duke Energy’s Customer Assistance Program. CAP provides a flat monthly credit of up to $42 on your bill for 12 months, making your energy costs more manageable. Once your LIHEAP or CIP application is approved, the credit will be automatically applied to your Duke Energy bill.

Check the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) for additional incentives that may be offered by your state, local government, or utility, as well as important federal, state, and local policies. For questions regarding DSIRE, contact Justin Lindemann (NC Clean Energy Technology Center) at jplindem@ncsu.edu.

Where can I get more information?

  • Rewiring America’s Personal Electrification Planner helps homeowners and renters see what funds may fit their individual needs. In less than five minutes, the Personal Electrification Planner will generate a customized plan to help users go electric based on their unique home, lifestyle, and priorities. Check out the Planner HERE. *Due to Rewiring America’s changed privacy policy, any data you input may be sold to third parties.
  • For specific questions on this program or for more assistance, contact Meech Carter at info@energyfundsforall.org